Free Games & Giveaways API

Get access to free games, in-game loot, and giveaways with just a simple API call!

Effortless Integration

Get JSON results with simple HTTP GET requests. It's simple and easy!

No Restrictions

Experience unrestricted access to our API. No Keys or Accounts required.

Free Forever

Unlock the world of gaming giveaways without any costs or limitations.


Access programmatically the best giveaways in gaming! Dive into the world of free games, beta keys, and in-game goodies with our powerful and free API.

We offer programmatic access to a treasure trove of legitimate giveaways curated directly from official publishers and developers. From free game keys to exclusive in-game loot, discover hundreds of giveaways constantly updated to keep you on the pulse of the best gaming freebies.

The GamerPower API (Aka Game Giveaway Tracker API) is available for everyone to use without any restrictions. Please note our API is free to use as long as you attribute as the source of the data. We hope to improve the API over time.

Key Features

  • Free Forever! Access the power of GamerPower API completely free, no strings attached.
  • Explore a massive database of giveaways across various genres and platforms.
  • Stay updated with our live tracking of active giveaways and expired ones!
  • Rich Giveaway Data: Go beyond basic listings with detailed information including giveaway type, giveaway status, instructions, expiration dates, and more.
  • Effortlessly integrate giveaways into your applications, websites, or projects

Getting Started

Ready to unlock the power of free games and loot? Here's your quick guide to using the GamerPower API:

1. No Authentication Needed

The GamerPower API is open to all! Just fire away HTTP requests to the provided endpoints.

2. Base URL: Your Launchpad to Giveaways

All API interactions begin at the base URL:

3. Exploring Endpoints

Dive into these endpoints to discover the goodies you seek:

  • /giveaways: Uncover a treasure trove of ongoing giveaways!
  • /giveaway?id={giveaway_id}: Delve deeper into a specific giveaway by its unique ID. (Replace {giveaway_id} with the actual ID)
  • /giveaways?platform={platform_name}: Filter giveaways by platform (e.g., PC, Steam, GOG, etc.) - Replace {platform_name} with your desired platform.
  • /giveaways?type={type_name}: Target giveaways by type (e.g., game, loot, beta.) - Replace {type_name} with your desired genre.
  • /giveaways?sort-by={sort_name}: Sort giveaways by various criteria. Options include date, value, or popularity. - Replace {sort_name} with your preferred sorting method.
  • /worth: Total live giveaways & worth estimation in US dollars

4. Making Requests: Unleash the Power with HTTP GET

Use tools like cURL, Postman, or simply access the URLs in your browser (with appropriate parameters) to send HTTP GET requests to the endpoints.

Let the Games (and Loot) Begin! With these steps, you're ready to explore the exciting world of giveaways with the GamerPower API. Happy hunting!


Return details from a specific giveaway

Insert giveaway id

All live giveaways


Live giveaways by platform

Insert platform, eg: pc, steam, epic-games-store, ubisoft, gog, itchio, ps4, ps5, xbox-one, xbox-series-xs, switch, android, ios, vr, battlenet, origin, drm-free, xbox-360

Live giveaways by type

Insert giveaway type, eg: game, loot, beta

Sort live giveaways by date, value or popularity

Insert order, eg: date, value, popularity

Live giveaways by platform & type & sorted


Filter & group platforms and giveaway types to get personalized results

Pick and choose your favorite platforms and giveaway types.

Total live giveaways & worth estimation in US dollars

You can also use the "platform" and "type" parameters to get more specific results, eg: /api/worth?platform=pc&type=game

CORS Support

If you need cross-origin resource sharing features you can access our API via RapidApi at

Rate Limits

Please avoid doing more than 4 requests per second.

Some apps using our API

⦁ Our own official GamerPower Chrome Extension is using the GamerPower API to work
Gaminate Android App by rrispoli
GamerPower Discord Bot by tylerthardy (TypeScript, Github)
Magic Game Deals iOS App by Matheus Matos
GG: Free Games And Giveaways Notifier Android App by Ikram Hasan


200: Success
201: No active giveaways available at the moment, please try again later.
404: Object not found: Giveaway or endpoint not found.
500: Something wrong on our end (unexpected server errors).

Terms of Use

We believe in empowering the gaming community. That's why the GamerPower API is free for both personal and commercial use. We simply ask for attribution with an active hyperlink back to to spread the word about awesome gaming giveaways.


Send us an email at if you find any bugs. Don't be afraid to experiment and feel free to share your projects with us.