Free Giveaway Alerts

Tired of missing out on great giveaways?

Chrome Extension

Your ultimate giveaway companion, designed to ensure you never miss out on exciting opportunities!

Notification Alerts

Get free real-time browser notification alerts directly to your browser!

RSS Alerts

Add our RSS feed to your favorite RSS readers including IFTTT and Zapier!

Discord Alerts

Are you a Discord user? We can send alerts to you via Discord!


You can use our public API to access all giveaways programmatically! It´s free!

Frequently asked questions

How does the Discord Alerts work?

You don't need to do anything! Just join our Discord server, and that's it! The GamerPower Bot sends you the best giveaways in gaming directly to you! Optionally, you can add our bot to your own server by clicking the "Follow" button.

Why my browser notification alerts stopped?

Maybe you cleared your browser cookies and cache or maybe it was disabled due to inactivity. We recommend to sign up again.

I found bugs, what should I do?

Please contact us at for support.